전체기사 : 뉴스 : 한겨레 뉴스 - 인터넷한겨레
인터넷한겨레 - 토론이 살아 있는 생생한 인터넷뉴스
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폭행사건에 이어 고객에게 마약을 판매했다는 의혹까지 불거져 경찰 수사를 받는 서울 강남 클럽 '버닝썬'이 영업을 중단하기로 한 것으로 전해졌다.
버닝썬의 한 관계자는 16일 연합뉴스 통화에서 "오늘을 마지막으로 영업을..
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이른바 '5·18 공청회 망언'을 규탄하는 광주 범시민궐기대회가 16일 광주시 동구 금남로 거리에서 열렸다.
궐기대회는 '자유한국당 3인 망언의원 퇴출과 5·18 역사왜곡처벌법 제정을 위한 광주범시민운동본부'가 주최했다. 지..
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용인외대부고에서 페미니즘 동아리 활동을 하고 있는 김나연씨는 잠이 들면 악몽에 시달린다고 했다. 김씨는 중학교 3학년 시절 학내 성폭력 문제를 고발했다. 학교폭력 담당 교사와 경찰은 김씨에게 “네가 예민했던 것 아니..
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Kim Chang-son, chief secretary of the North Korean State Affairs Commission secretariat and de facto chief of staff to leader Kim Jong-un, arrived in Beijing on the afternoon of Feb. 15, apparently to..
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South and North Korea finalized a decision to field unified teams in four events at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo (July 24–Aug. 9): women’s basketball, women’s field hockey, rowing, and judo..
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On Feb. 14, the US State Department announced that it was considering the option of waiving sanctions and the travel ban on relief groups that provide humanitarian aid to North Korea. The UN Security ..
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Moon Chung-in, special advisor to the South Korean President for unification, foreign affairs and national security, said that the second North Korea-US summit needs to produce a roadmap and timetable..
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The analysis suggested the remarks were meant conditionally to provide a “carrot” to urge larger denuclearization measures from Pyongyang.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo mentioned the possibilit..
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US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo mentioned easing sanctions while talking about North Korea and the US’ denuclearization negotiations. In an interview with the press on Feb. 13, Pompeo said that “it’..
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Goheung County, South Jeolla Province, known mainly for its production of yuza citrus, is reemerging as a hotspot for local coffee. The county, in response to climate change, has resolved to reinvigor..
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